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Pravo vibora

Kharkiv public organization

rehabilitation center for disabled people and theirs family members.

Adress: Kirgizskaya 10, phone (+38 067)418-32-09,
e-mail pravovibora@ukr.net


A girl is sitting  in a chair and a man is standing behind her.

In higher educational establishments, colleges, school-internats in Kharkov over 1380 students study with the special necessities. Daily these people run into various difficulties in particular with disparity of resource base of educational establishments to the features of their health and absence for the teachers of knowledge’s in relation to the features of work with such students.

Single higher educational isn’t establishment in Kharkov, on our information, does not have the specialized or adapted modern hard wares for students with the heavy defects of sight.

Analysis of own problems and achievements of young people - members of our organization in studies and employment, participation in a number of seminars round and other measures table on the problems of social defense of invalids, collaboration with the regional center of employment and Youth center of labor, enabled to do certain conclusions that became in investigation methodological basis of project on creation of the Resource center for students with the limited possibilities of health «Priority».

By basic work of Center assignments «Priority» became:

  • - The grant students is with the special necessities of health of social services, linked with the use of modern adapted under the special necessities of computer and office technique; - Grant of the special adapted software to access to the network the Internet; - Consultations of programmer, social worker; lawyer; - Psychological help; - A library of educational literature is in an electronic format; - Grant of consultations the teachers of higher educational establishments, in which students study with the special necessities of health; - Organization of leisure, support of the creatively gifted young people; - A help is in a vocational orientation and internship the graduating students of special school-internats and students.