Kharkiv public organization
rehabilitation center for disabled people and theirs family members.
Adress: Kirgizskaya 10, phone (+38 067)418-32-09,
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rehabilitation center for disabled people and theirs family members.
Adress: Kirgizskaya 10, phone (+38 067)418-32-09,
Kharkov youth public organization Center of rehabilitation of young invalids and members of their families “Right to Choice” was registered on July, 7, 2002
Presently organization counts over 100 young invalids. Members of our organization are graduating students of special school-internats, students, graduate students, which have limitation of health, but conduct active life. But we give help to the far greater amount of people.
One of main our work assignments is a psychology-pedagogical rehabilitation of invalids support of the creatively gifted young people, help in employment. We have necessary potential for the decision of these problems: science-practical experience, apartments, public organizations, higher educational establishments interested in a collaboration, cities’ social services which are our partners.
Center “Right to Choice” has a positive experience of realization of social projects for people with the limited possibilities, included in the social network of city.
In 2002 the leaders of Center won grant of President of Ukraine for the gifted young people and began the First area competition-survey creation of young invalids “Little Parnas”, which deserved the highest estimation of habitants of Kharkov.In January – May, 2004 we took part in the project of the Ukrainian system of distance teaching „ controlled from distance teaching – overcoming of educational and social isolation of people with limited physical possibility” and continue to co-operate in this direction.
In 2004 we became the winners of competition of innovative social projects „ Ukrainian fund of social investments”. Realization of our proekt is presently completed “The Steps of overcoming” – the center of early help for children with heavy violations of sight in age from birth to the 3 years.
In 2005 took part in a corporate project „ agency of assistance employment of people with the limited possibilities of health in Kharkov».
In 2006 we realizated proekts «Priority» - the creation of resource center of information tekhnologiy for students with limits possibilities of health with support of IBF «Evrasia», « Let’s compliment with gladness of game the special child» with support of IBF of Stefan Batoriya.
In 2007 we continued to execute realization of project « The Steps of overcoming », and similarly projects: « The Sun is in palms » (creation in Kharkov the Lekoteka for children with heavy violations of sight) with support of VBF «Krona» at support of KHBF « Public initiatives ».
In 2008 year was realized project «Mother’s school» is school of paternal trade for families which educate the blind children of early and preschool age.
We have Gratitude of city chairman, diplomas, certificates, deeds.