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Pravo vibora

Kharkiv public organization

rehabilitation center for disabled people and theirs family members.

Adress: Kirgizskaya 10, phone (+38 067)418-32-09,
e-mail pravovibora@ukr.net

"The Sun in palms"

woman holds a blind child by the hand. Next to them are more children

Nowadays in large experience of complex help the children of the first years of life is the world accumulated with violations of development and their seed. Direction which got the name of "Lekoteka" has the special history (from Swedish "leko"–"toy" and "tek" –"collection"). First Lekoteka was founded on initiative parents and teachers in Stockholm in 1963 on the base of university clinic and pursued the purpose of playing support of sick child. First American Lekoteka, that became National Center of Lekotek afterwards, opened the doors in Evanston (Illinois) in 1980 year. Now there is the unfolded network of Lekotek in the USA – resource centers which serve thousands of children with the problems of development and their families. Purpose of Lekotek – support of children with violations at development and their families for the facilitation of including of children in the complete spectrum of domestic and public life. General work assignment has majority of existent Lekotek, namely oriented on children which have different disorders.

In Kharkov over 100 families have children in age from birth to the 6 years, which can not visit preschool educate establishments, play and socialize with friend the same age through heavy violations of sight.

In 2007-2008 year by our center was developed and the approved model of Lekotek for such children, a financial base is created for work with children.

Purpose of project: an improvement of quality is lives of families, which educate children with heavy violations of sight by a grant possibility of the temporal use by high-quality toys and games and studies of parents bases of playing activity of children with the problems of sight.

Lekoteka is located in the Kharkov center of early help for children with heavy violations of sight « The Steps of overcoming» to address: Kharkov,.Danilevskogo str 2. An apartment is in the center of city, not far away from a subway.

For Lekotek in a center is the playing room is selected 25 apt. m., office room of 13,5 kv.m. (for the reception of parents, individual advising) . There are furniture for saving of toys.

Parents have possibility to appeal by phone, by an e-mail. Every Saturday from 10.00 to 15.00 the group reading will be conducted with children. The filled of groups is planned 7-10 children. We plan to conduct employment for 3groops of age-old categories junior group of 3-4, middle group 5-6 years, senior group 7-8 years.

The reception of visitors will be carried out from 9.00 to 17.00.