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Pravo vibora

Kharkiv public organization

rehabilitation center for disabled people and theirs family members.

Adress: Kirgizskaya 10, phone (+38 067)418-32-09,
e-mail pravovibora@ukr.net

The Steps of Overcoming

woman holds the kid by the shoulders. She helps him go

"Steps of Overcoming" is a center of early help to family which educate children with heavy violations of sight.

In Kharkiv from statistical data there are over 100 families which educate children with heavy violations of sight in age from birth to the 6 years.

As known, child mastering life through the experience of public life and social relations, place is taken through the different types of studies, which needs visual perception, as foresees a supervision and imitation the conduct of adults.

However when the leading type of social education in early ontogenesis is blocked, it complicates mastering of culture of human relations, making of social roles and functions, receipt of social abilities, necessary for successful realization of these mutual relations substantially. The rates of personality growth are considerably slowed making of the proper personality lines and qualities, psychological mechanisms, forms of conduct, which are needed for normal life in society.

In Ukraine the process of creation of the system of early interference begins only. It is the first link in the system of rehabilitation of invalids, which such link of measures is foreseen in a complex: an early rehabilitation of children-invalid, their studying and their acquisition by them professional skills - employment.

Within the framework of collaboration with the Ukrainian fund of social investments we are develop the design of favour of early interference for children with the defects of sight in age from 0 to the 3 years, necessary material and technical terms are created, prepared personnel.

Purpose of project: improvement of quality of life of families what educate children with heavy violations of sight of early age, by providing of optimum terms for development.