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Pravo vibora

Kharkiv public organization

rehabilitation center for disabled people and theirs family members.

Adress: Kirgizskaya 10, phone (+38 067)418-32-09,
e-mail pravovibora@ukr.net

We'll soon start

Logo Global Children Fond

 We continue to work on the idea of creating a high-quality Internet resource “Parent Universities” - for parents raising the blind.
We already have achievements. Our project was supported by the Global Fund for Children (USA).
Not so much, but enough to start.
We are very grateful to our American partners.
Now we are working on a website where information and materials will be posted:
literature, lectures, presentations, classes, videos and the like.
Therefore, we want to study your needs.
We need to create a database of potential users with the age of the children, as the information will be located on the website for the divisions “Early Age”, “Preschool Age”, “School Age”, “For Parents”.
Interested parties are requested to send your email addresses to receive the questionnaire by e-mail pravovibora@ukr.ner


Logo Studia Tiflografiki