Dear Parents!
Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the announcement of quarantine and the difficult environmental situation (fires in the Chernobyl zone) in Ukraine, many families raising blind children found themselves in a difficult situation when they cannot attend rehabilitation centers, meet with specialists, schools have not always switched to distance learning adapted for blind children. You write that you are concerned about the lack of professional support. Therefore, our organization plans to develop a project to create an Internet portal "Parent Universities" - an online school of parental excellence, where we will post materials: lectures, presentations, organize online conferences with various specialists. We have experience in conducting international summer schools of parental skill “Mom’s School”, partners in Germany, Poland, Ukraine, Russia, ready for cooperation.
Assume sections:
• Early development.
• Teaching braille and embossed drawing.
• Tifloakustika.
• Computer literacy and voice programs.
• Tiflo equipment and tiflo news.
• School of independence.
• Sensory integration.
• Games and toys for a blind child
• Physical development
• do-it-yourself tactile books
• Development of mobility and orientation in space
• Accompanying the blind.
• Adaptation of training materials
And how do you see such an Internet resource? What would you like to add to the list? Waiting for your feedback and suggestions.