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Pravo vibora

Kharkiv public organization

rehabilitation center for disabled people and theirs family members.

Adress: Kirgizskaya 10, phone (+38 067)418-32-09,
e-mail pravovibora@ukr.net

"Feel tale"

Kharkov, July 1

International youth exchange "Feel tale" has started on June 29th in Kharkiv. In the frame of the project young people from Italy, Ukraine, Armenia and Estonia for two weeks will help the rehabilitation center for young people with disabilities and their families "Pravo vybora" to develop tactile books.
Tactile books are special books that help to open the surrounding world to a blind child, enrich the sensory experience, explore different shapes, textures and materials, improve fine motor skills, as well as discover fairy tales. Tactile books abroad are quite common, but in Ukraine they are very limited , most of them are handmade and unique. The materials used in the books should transfer not only the natural way of objects, but also emotions and feelings associated with objects or characters in the book.  In the books text is printed with large print or Braille.
The participants of the project "Feel the story" will create handmade tactile fairy tales from different countries and peoples, as well as educational materials for pre-school children. Created tactile books will be stored in the library of the rehabilitation center "Pravo vybora".
Exchange is conducted by Interregional volunteer organization "SVIT-Ukraine" with the support of the "Youth in Action" Programme of European Union.

Maria Servetnik